Slice Of The Day: Michelle Marsh

Alright. Lunch expunged, sink befouled, and I’m a little bit happier. So now on a slightly more positive note, let’s examine someone who I will be pleased to see in the buff. Namely, miss Michelle Marsh, of Page 3 fame.

Much better. I think I’m ready for a new lunch now. And by “new lunch” I of course mean “masturbatory work break.”

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Page 3Sharkey seems to be quite into Page 3 girls these days, alot of American’s friends like the idea of Page 3 as well and have commented that American newspapers could do with some nipple action to liven things up a bit. I can see the religous right having a field day with that one 😀

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