Slice Of The Day: Lisa Loeb

That’s one title I thought I’d never type. Love her or hate her, Lisa Loeb is back from the throws of obscurity. I was hoping she’d stay there, personally. That song “Stay” makes me want to go on a killing spree armed with a spork and a hardbound copy of War and Peace.

Lisa Loeb

Lisa Loeb's assHer new reality series “#1 Single” seems to be doing well. The show follows Lisa around as she attempts to meet Mr. Right so that she can settle down, shit out a few young’uns, and have a soccer-mom ass for the rest of her life. Stupid premise, but then again, aren’t they all?

Whoa whoa whoa now… hold the phone.

Lisa Loeb has one cute ass for a chick in her mid to late 30s. Look at that thing. I mean I plan to continue dating 18-24 year olds until Jesus calls me home, but this makes me consider broadening my horizons a bit.

Maybe a 28 year old. Brave new world ahead…

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. EhThere was this chick at the gym the other day, looked exactly like a very manly, much uglier version of Lisa Loeb. I’m talking hair, glasses, and face. It was one of those things where I just saw her hair from behind and thought \”hey, she might be cute.\” Then she turned around and my penis shriveled up.

  2. What happened to Zappa?Wasn’t she dating one of the Zappa brothers? Dweezle Zappa, I want to say? They had their own cooking show on The Food Network, as I recall. Those two actually seemed to fit. BTW, wow, she looks pretty damn good for 38. Nerdy hot. Like a female Rivers Cuomo or something, but with less talent. (Listens to Beverly Hills on the radio again). Like a female Rivers Cuomo.

  3. 38…she’s prime fuckin’Boys, you don’t know what you’re missin’ by bangin a broad in her mid-30s. If you can get away with no strings attached, you’ll get a piece of ass that is not only willing to do all those depraved things that 18-24 year old guys only wish thier 17-23 year old naieve girlfriends won’t do, but they’re beggin’ for a good old fashioned assfuckin’ and they’ll swallow, too. Best of all, they know how to give head and you don’t need to slip ’em a roofie-colada to get ’em in the mood. I’ll take a 30-something any day of the week!

  4. What gobleep said But only if they’re single, or at least married to someone else. IIRC Lisa Loeb is Jewish. Extra kink points if she is. Jewish chicks fuck the goyem like porn stars. BTW, the prices for lasik are way down. She can kill the Velma from Scooby Doo glasses any day now.

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