Slice Of The Day: Lindsay Lohan

Poor widdle Windsay… her tummy hurted because of the drugs and the booze and the vomiting. Diddums have a widdle eating disorder? Awwww, that’s OK. It’s cute for starlets to have ’em these days. How else are little girls going to learn to control their weight, if they don’t have Skeletoresque role models to look up to?

Oh, and Lindsay Lohan is your slice of the day. Duh.

That new Vanity Fair spread is actually somewhat hot, even with the rampant freckleness and still-too-skinny physique. Hopefully she’ll decide to eat a sandwich or something this week, and we can get her fantastic funbags back. I miss ’em.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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