Slice Of The Day: Lindsay Lohan

Frozensoulx comes through again, as he noticed that somehow our Lindsay Lohan gallery was non-existent. Not anymore, so chisel away, you little perverts.

Lindsay Lohan

I guess she should be all excited since that new Herbie flick is finally in post-production. Now her career can really take flight. That is, unless her father decides to have her killed. Something tells me that rich little chick oughtta realize the problem, cut her losses, and pay to get the man some help. Either from some large men with nightsticks, or large men with machetes. Either way, she’s free to make more hit albums.

Wait, fuck! No!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Sexin’According to some chick on LiveJournal, she was engaged in bathroom sex with some guy from a crappy band.

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