Slice Of The Day: Kirsten Dunst

I don’t want you all to think I’ve been slacking on the pie recently. As a matter of fact, the exact opposite is true. Solo and I have been cracking on some new shit for SOTD, and the task is slightly daunting, to say the least. But when it’s done, it’ll all be worth the effort. In the meantime, you can enjoy Kirsten Dunst.

I think we've all heard enough jokes about spraying your 'webbing' all over Kirsten Dunst

My old pal Tracer Bullet seems to think that Spider-Man sucked, and therefore Spider-Man 2 will also suck. But this is coming from a guy who truly thinks that Daredevil was a good film, so to each his own.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Spider-Man 2 will suck!Tracer Bullet is spot on with his prediction. Have you seen the trailers and commercials?? Look how often his mask is off, proof that the producers had their hands all in the pot! More proof positive of it’s suck-tacularness is the scene with the new yorkers floating him like he’s christ. As Awesome-O so excellently put it, LAME! This movie is gonna be crap folks. Come on you saw the first didn’t ya? The prosecution rests.

  2. Furthermore…Tracer Bullet has excellent movie instinct and taste ! And I, like his many,many,many,many,many large breasted female fans, base my DVD collection soley on his excellent perception of great films. He is a unique treasure and you should kneel in his presence much like Superman did before Zod, after emerging from the red sun chamber.

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