Slice Of The Day: Kirsten Dunst

Black Dragon sent in a nice shot of Spider Man 2 hottie Kirsten Dunst falling out of her top on some beach. Sharkey likee.

Well, I’ve sufficiently rocked Scotland, so it’s time to hop on a plane and take on Ireland. Hopefully it will be easier to get internet access over there, because this walking 10 blocks through the freezing cold just to check my email shit isn’t going to cut it.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Ha!That’s what people from the US think.In actuality, many countries aside from the US (including Canada and Ireland) have not only Internet, but also running water AND electricity!Wow!!

  2. Actually…Ireland made a big push to focus all their education from high school on up to I.T. I think they’re trying to catch up to India, after all India has the greatest I.T. knowledge ever. Just talk to their tech support people!

  3. GahFunny you bring up tech support from India… My host just switched to an Indian outfit for their support, which is why I’m switching hosts. They suck ass!

  4. WellMy company is a rather large IT corporation, and we have a major office in Galway Ireland. It definitely is not behind technology wise. Furthermore, those Irish fuckers can DRINK. Have a Murphy’s for me Sharkey!

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