Slice Of The Day: Kate Winslet

I guess there’s this new flick coming out called Finding Neverland starring Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet. It’s supposed to be a heartwarming, touchy-feely sort of flick. That + the Depp factor means its probably something to take a woman to. And since statistically speaking, you probably aren’t socially capable of successfully asking one, why not just ogle Kate Winslet instead? My gift. I give out of love.

Kate Winslet. If you haven't seen her naked yet, you're probably blind.

Kate is another one of those girls that likes to sleep with/marry their directors. She and Milla Jovovich should start a knitting circle or something.

*Update* – I have no idea where the other gallery went, so I popped up another. Enjoy.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. 404 when clicking picError Occurred While Processing RequestError Diagnostic InformationAn error has occurred.HTTP/1.0 404 Object Not Found

  2. 404?I didn’t get a 404, the SOD page came up but there were no pictures. Don’t tell me the lawyers got to you again, Shark.And BootLicker, try posting sometime other than to complain… asshole.

  3. EL-OH-ELYou can always spot the n00bs.Sharkey, the pictures still do not work, and I need to flog the dolphin.

  4. Proposition?How about the goat blows me, you ram it in the ass, and we’ll name him ‘Fingercuffs’?

  5. Cult Flick** Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas **\” You took too much…I told that shit would get all over you! \”

  6. Seconded.I have yet to see ‘Lost’ thanks to the assholes who put it on against ‘Smallville’. I did check out this broad’s website ( Slice-worthy, but most of the pictures I’ve seen might get you a C&D from ABC’s lawyers.Fuck it, Shark. Find a wall in your office and dedicate yourself to wallpapering it in cease and desist letters.

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