Slice Of The Day: Jessica Biel

Jessica Biel is going to be the main hottie in the new flick Blade: Trinity. Hopefully it’s not a complete pile of ass, but then again, I’m a pessimist. Therefore, I know its going to be a complete pile of ass. Meh.

Jessica Biel. Poor movie choices, but I'd still like to lick her naughty garden.

So… I’m posting this a little late, but that’s what the nifty date changer thingy is for. So just pretend like this post has been here since Saturday, and go enjoy the titties.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Hotness imoJessica Biel is something like a 12 on the 10 scale, I don’t know why, but she does a lil something extra for me.

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