Slice Of The Day: Jennifer Ellison

A little late today, but you’ll have to forgive me, I was busy. …I had uh… errands to run. Los Santos isn’t going to clean itself up, now is it?

Anyway, sweet little UK vixen Jennifer Ellison is going to be in a remake of Phantom Of The Opera, which just wrapped up filming. She was also just voted “Sexiest Blonde in the World” by some UK magazine, which isn’t too far off. Because, friends… damn.

Jennifer Ellison. Whatever it is that she does, I think she's doing it now. And she's pretty goddamned good at it.

You’ll notice that I popped music into the little preview box up there, because Jester is not getting nearly enough credit for all the goodness he brings to that section. Credit him, damn you, or I’ll start slipping you unwitting bastards more slices like Harisu.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Err.I’m afraid that Harisu > Ellison… Why do I have the feeling I’m walking into some sort of terrible joke?

  2. Oh boy…Walking, I’d say you more or less ran into it. That would be coconut cream pie my friend. The pie is there, but there isn’t any coconuts…well…um…maybe the nuts.

  3. Heh.What’s terrible is that, even knowing that, Harisu is still more attractive than Ellison, at least to me.

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