Slice Of The Day: Flavia Vento

Just to solidify your misconceptions ladies, I will now continue to badger and objectify your half of the species. Hey, I have a right, I have a girlfriend and we’re far past the phase where “that time of the month” is hidden and her inner demon (you all have one) contained. So without further ado, good ol LP brings us the first of God-knows-how many slices, with a long-lost entry in the old slice archives now finally recovered, Flavia Vento. Put on your not-safe-for-work helmets, this one’s a bit spicy.

Awww, dont you hate it when you get sand in your crack, Flavia? Let me get that for you.

I’m taking three finals today, and I have three different clients who want changes made yesterday that they requested five minutes ago. So don’t give me any lip about not updating much or not being funny the last couple of weeks, months, whatever. I think you have the dynamics of this relationship wrong, kiddo. I’m not your clown, you’re my clown. Now put on the fucking floppy shoes and get ready to invade Canada. And somebody get me a fucking coffee.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. yo i hear that shitdamn dudei feel ya fuck work and fuck the people who gat paid more then you to do less ( and get more days off)

  2. shit i heard yo ! just told Sharkey that you feel him.*shakes head… some people never learn

  3. If you were wondering…There are 23 slices en route. And that’s assuming I don’t make anymore.

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