Slice Of The Day: Famke Janssen

Have you gone out and seen X-2 like a good little nerd? Damn straight you have. Did you think the ladies were smokin’ hot? Damn straight you did. Are you going to thank LP for our new gallery of Famke Janssen? Damn straight you… probably won’t. You’ll more than likely have your hands full.

You'd think her telekinetic powers would work in all kinds of ways that the other X-Women would beg to have a taste of.

Sweet Jesus in a birchbark canoe, take a look at this place. It’s like a ghost town, only with more boobs. Unfortunately, my clients do not have any sympathy for your lack of entertainment. Perhaps after payment is completed, I’ll give you their addresses and you can take the matter up with them personally.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Holy Shit.I can’t believe I didn’t recognize her as the chick from Goldeneye. Diz-amn, yo.

  2. When?so uhh when are we gonna see more Fernanda Martinelli?i mean shes the fucken hottest thing on SOTD.

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