Slice Of The Day: Erica Durance

Erica Durance just landed on the cover of FHM, and I’m quite pleased with the results. You should be too. They certainly found someone hot enough to be the object of Superman’s desires. Shit, if I were the man of steel, she’d definitely make me consider using my powers for evil, especially if she played hard to get. I could probably rape the crap outta her and then do that “spin-the-Earth-backwards” technique from Superman I.

Oh shit, what am I talking about. I could just have my way with her and then do the super mindwipe kiss from II. I always wondered what was up with Lois after that whole deal. I mean she essentially added another fuck buddy to her resume and Vegas-ed it out with that smooch. If she had gotten pregnant, would Clark have just kinda stood by and hoped that the bastard couldn’t punch through walls? Or maybe he’d just drop her off a mountain or something.

…oh right, the titties. Sorry, geeked out there for a minute and forgot about the important things in life.

You’ll probably notice me fucking around with the layout and the fonts today. Don’t jump down my throat if you see something ugly, I’m probably right in the middle of a change or something. Comments/suggestions/etc are, as always, completely ignored.

…just kidding. Let’s hear some feedback.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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