Slice Of The Day: Eliza Dushku

Is it wrong to post a gallery of a girl because her new movie has just come out, even though you know that the movie is going to be such a pile of shit that not even her sweet, delicious ass could get you into a theatre? Why fucking bother with the hard questions, dumbass. Eliza Dushku is waiting.

Eliza Dushku gives me 'Faith'. Faith that my wang will function properly every time I think of her, that is.

So aside from the pie, I’d just like to voice my dissappointment in the lack of kudos received for my excellent five-minute Screech ‘shop job from a couple of days ago. Personally I thought it was fucking golden, but some people just don’t appreciate that extra effort it seems.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. childhoodI hung out with this chick when I was young. I’m talking real young though – so young I don’t remember, I just know my mother is good friends with her mother. I think I was 5 the last time I saw her, and I’m only a year or two younger than her so she probably wasn’t as slammingly hot then.

  2. Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!!Ma Gawd Man, it seems that if you don’t fuckin give thanks regularly and send pretty cards they *Webmasters* think ya just don’t love them any more. Ok, OK, yes dear you do very well and i for one really like that Pretty-Woman dress you bought at the 5 and Dime. Now do ya feel better, who’s your Daddy Bitch?

  3. ScreechI actually figured you just found a picture of Screech flipping off the camera, the fact you photoshopped it didn’t even cross my mind.

  4. ScreechThe photoshop job was so good, I didn’t notice that it was photoshop. *Applauds*

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