Slice Of The Day: Denise Richards

Denise Richards has been all over the news lately, what with her accusations about Charlie Sheen and her frolicking (with clothes, damn her) with Richie Sambora. Now Sheen has been fighting fire with the best kind of fire: the subversive kind. If he can chip away at her credibility enough, he might just come out as the hero in this whole thing. If that’s the case, we may as well enjoy the Denise of today, before she has to do softcore porn flicks to survive.

… I feel bad for wanting Charlie to win now.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Wasn’t…Charlie off campaigning about how 9/11 was a hoax based on info his friends had given him?Didn’t really think him talking to hookers about blowing stuff counted, but his dad was president on tv, so it must be true :p

  2. Bored?Is there really nothing else going on? I mean, is this supposed to be funny?Who gives 2 shits about ‘stars’? These are self-centered people who have lost touch with the real world because of, simply put, money. Which I have none of. Hence the anger.

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