Slice Of The Day: Claire Forlani

My pal Floyd made mention of the extreme lack of Claire Forlani around here, so I decided to rectify the situation. You’ll find her gallery updated with fun goodies, chief.

I guess she’s going to be in a couple of movies next year, Shadows in the Sun and The Yank, both of which I know nothing about. So uh… guess you’re shit out of luck. Not that you’re reading this anyway, pervert. You’re already searching the gallery for pics with a slight hint of Claire nipple.

Not that I can blame you, or anything.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. hint?????Ok sharky first off I read it all before looking at the pics, and second what slight hint, there are mutiple boobie shots in there. Jeeze what is this world coming to. ok so now that you have read all of this, forget it, I sound like a fucken tard

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