Slice Of The Day: Chyler Leigh

A tad late, but worth the wait. Today’s slice was in Not Another Teen Movie, and can be seen in all sorts of bisexually-suggestive pictures over at SOTD. So why don’t you head on over and check out Chyler Leigh right now.

I'd like to be the meat in a Chyler Leigh - Mia Kirshner sammitch.

Somebody please inform Ms. Leigh that after being the star of a teen parody, it is in her contract to do bit roles in soft-porn? I know it’s a lie, but some lies are necessary, for the good of mankind.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. poof?Sweet S-man. Sweet.Oh yea I did a googlism search on Sharkey:\”sharkey is a poof he loves it up the reeker\”I know you would have wanted me to pass that on.

  2. poofPoof is a British term, just like reeker if I remember correctly. That would mean that they are speaking of the Sharky who runs Sharkyextreme, who I am commonly mistaken for.

  3. Gotchayea poof = gay. Reeker everyone can prolly guess. The things you learn watching british cinema. Sharkyextreme – poof with a reeker. I’ll remember that.kudos on the awesome fucking job ya do mate.

  4. MiaI choose Mia Kirshner over Chyler Leigh anyday.For the uninformed, she’s the other girl in the photo. 🙂

  5. Say thank youI uploaded those a couple days ago to Solo’s DB. I’m going to be doing for him, and maybe some others. I’ll be trying to do *cough* daily updates, and grabbing tons of pictures. I thought it was a shame when Chyler only had 1 picture before…

  6. HmmThose picture of her in the hot tub are pretty damn awesome. However, it’s a shame that Marilyn Manson is in them fagging them up. Any photoshop gurus think they can put Mia Kirshner in his place?

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