Slice Of The Day: Charisma Carpenter

Did you know that Charisma Carpenter was the first slice of the day way back in 1999, when we first started doing (semi) regular SOTDs? Fun fact for you.

How can you name your kid Charisma Carpenter and not expect her to wind up in porn? Better yet, how can she be named Charisma Carpenter and NOT be in porn?

She’s also from Vegas, did you know that? She’s also not getting any younger, so Charisma, you’ve got the name and the hometown. Start getting naked. It’s the law.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. arghIt pains me to think that no matter what/when/why/how there is a guy out there somewhere who’s tired of putting up with her bullshit…*sigh*

  2. so pregnant…she’s pregnant right now – you still want to see her naked? cuz i do. but i’m a sad monkey anyway

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