Holy crap in a handbag, does Rachel Bilson have pierced nipples? Have a look at the evidence yourself. And yes, it may be pathetic and not of interest to a lot of you, but when have I ever given a shit about that? The only things I care about are boobs, games, liquor, and more boobs.
And just in case you really don’t give a crap about her potentially having some nipple bling, here are some better quality photos of Jennifer Garner’s nipple slip from earlier this year. Enjoy.

Anything to distract me from the fact that I’m not playing Mario Galaxy or Call of Duty 4 is welcomed right now.
I’ll vote for pierced. Jennifer Garner showing her tits raises her a couple of notches in my book. Anything that’ll help distract from staring at that HUGE protruding forehead and chiseled jaw.
^ ???????????????
anyway, if the console version of CoD4 is anything like the PC version, dont hold your breath… single player was less than enjoyable and MP is like quake 3 with bullets