Slice Of The Day: Brook Hogan

Until that “Hogan Knows Best” show came along, I had no idea that a fellow like the Hulkster could produce mildly attractive offspring. To celebrate this fact, we’ve finally got a gallery of his daughter Brooke Hogan. Thankfully she doesn’t have her father’s arms, chest, or baldness.

If I ever brought her to orgasm, I’d totally move from each side of the bed to the other doing that “I can’t hear you” move that the Hulkster used to always pull on the crowd. Then she’d bodyslam me and throw me out the door. But it’d be worth it.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HummmWhat is she now Sharkey?, maybe 16, give or take a couple of months?If we look at this photo carefully, we will notice a loss of baby fat thats clearly visable, based on my calendar of events, she should not loose that for another year, even if she had a personal trainer… Laws of Evolution come into play at this time, and if we add Fridge + Abundancy, subtract the fact she has to walk to it, less 10% margin of error, we find it impossible for her to look rather fine in that outfit, where we hope her selection of said *thong* is black in color and 4 days old….

  2. mehi just dont think she’s that attractive regardless of age. i mean sure there’s a little bit going on in these pictures as far as the raw female flesh angle goes but really she’s no fact, after looking at close ups of her face, she’s kind of ugly.

  3. Pfft.I agree with skam240. She isn’t ugly, by any means though. A bit rough in the face, but not horrible. Nice eyes can make up for a lot of other things.I’d hit it. As long as she doesn’t call me after, that is.

  4. EhShe’s good looking now but she’ll look like her mother in a few years. Gah. I’d still put it to her now, and yell HULKAMANIA at some point as well.

  5. yea yealol she has a man chin. or at least more of a masculine chin than many women who out there. except the butch ones. id still hit it though

  6. She’s ok…a little young.I’ve seen better, I’ve seen a lot worse. But I think she’s still underage. You can tell she’s the offspring of the Hulk….at least in this pic. She’s not fat at all, but the chick definitely has the physique that yells power-lifter. Get this chick in a gym and on MetRX for a year or two and she’d be ready to drop the leg on the old man.A chick that can kick my ass…..I think that’s pretty cool.

  7. Alright…..So she’s not underage, fine. I’d still pity the poor fucker that gets caught with her in their basement with the lights out.

  8. BahahahaIm surprised her daddy hasnt killed everyone who even looked at this picture and remotely thought, Yea, thats good baby, now breath alittle and will try it again…He should of never had a Girl for an Offspring, he should just jump off a bridge.

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