Slice Of The Day: Britney Spears

Britney Spears showed off quite a bit over the last week, probably on the reccommendation of her new BFF, Paris Hilton. She took another cue the other day, when she… well, see for yourself.

Wow. C-section scar and everything. Lovely. You can’t see them all over at SOTD, so they’ll be over here as well.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. kinda neat..I guess I have been wanting to see it for quite some years now.. yet I actually find it quite repulsive! I’d never hit that. Cool that she shaves, though! 😀

  2. Oh….Dear….God…Ok, this beats the horrid factor of Lohan’s twat. I’m not sure, however, if the scar is really from the C section. I had thought they cut higher, but what do I know.What would make this scene more grotesque is if she would have given birth (twice) naturally. Let me tell you fellas something….that puss just ain’t the same after it spits out one kid, let alone two. That’s from experience. It takes a while for everything that was originally on the inside, to suck back up there again. Of course, if it’s not the scar, then it begs the question, \”What in the name of god’s greenest hell is that?!\”I don’t care how tight this chick gets in the future…..she’s completely ruined to me. She’ll always be the fat, white trashed out pig that was receiving K Fed’s man-spackle on a daily basis. The alleged sex tape might even be off-limits for me.

  3. My poor soulI’ve wanted to gaze upon the holy grail of snatch since Hit me baby one more time…Now its here. The paparazzi FINALLY get the britney spears money shot….. AFTER the promised land gets invaded by the the troll that is Kevin Federline.My dick didn’t even flinch.Im still gonna save the pics tho… Maybe when I’m unsober, I can get a hardon.

  4. what really happened…It’s not torn from her having babies, no sir — Sharkey’s massive wang did some serious damage all up in that. That’s what I’m talking about.

  5. :#High Elves are an ancient, magical race that left the Old World many centuries ago, retreating to the hidden island of Ulthuan. They returned to the Old World by ships during the Great War, lending their magic and skill to the human ranks to push the Chaos invasion back. After the war, many elves stayed in the Old World and taught the realm of men some of their magic. The High Elves see themselves as protectors of the world, and will go to war again alongside the ranks of humans to thwart Chaos again. Elven magic derives from a pure form of Chaos energy and is far more powerful than the magic used by men. A High Elf Mage on the battlefield is a powerful ally, and it’s truly an awesome spectacle when he is wielding his spells. Because of their gifts in magic their ability to forge unique items and armor is also great. Quite often, you will see a High Elf wearing a magical piece of armor that was handed down to him, from father to son.

  6. (__0__)I was thinking this would be a good time for everyone to talk about what they are thankful for this year!I’m thankful that we survived our first year with a Newgrounds office, having managed to knock some years off the mortgage while still growing the team, running a number great contests and being a platinum sponsor of the Child’s Play Charity.I’m thankful for the success of events like Pico Day, Clock Day and Halloween.I was hoping I could say I was thankful that we finished the site redesign, but alas, it is still an ongoing project and something for everyone to look forward to.Still, I’m thankful for all the features we DID release this year! We unveiled a new and improved tank logo, created an area for PSP/iPod downloads and introduced the private messaging system and art forum. Existing features were enhanced and our hosting environment was upgraded significantly, ensuring we have room for growth in the years to come.We survived \”the great changing of the names\”, where thousands of users had to remove the underscores and trailing/leading dashes from their names to accomodate the upcoming arrival of user sub-domains.I’m thankful that we didn’t get sued for beating up K-Fed, Britney and their baby.I’m thankful for all the publicity we received, with appearances on Attack of the Show and in magazines such as Wired, who called NG \”the largest collection of Flash animation on the Net.\” I’m also grateful for the response from the crowds at Comic-Con, IGF and PAX.I’m thankful for the promotional Sumo chairs we received and now use in lieu of conference room furniture. I’m also thankful that the conference room is finished and no longer looks like the mess we created.I’m thankful that April stays by my side through all this crazyness and work-obsession!I’m grateful for Rantdog vs Turkeyzilla! Due to the big Halloween and Christmas contests we are running this year, there haven’t been many Thanksgiving submissions to fill the gap. I’m glad we got at least one good one. :)We have a lot of surprises in store for everyone in the coming months, so there should be a lot to be thankful for in 2007. Let’s all just hope this Internet thing keeps working out for everyone!

  7. The scar isn’t the problemIt’s following that federline fuck and whatever else has been running through her since she started taking whore-advice from that other putrid cunt Paris Hilton.

  8. EH, BRITNEY’S VAGINE…Britney’s vagine hangs low and open like wizard’s sleeve. Her ahnoose open like mouth of yawning dog. She number one prostitute in all of America. HIGH FIVE!

  9. FUCK, I’D STILL HIT IT.Sure, my dick would bang around in her loose snatch like clapper of a bell, but who cares. I bet she’s a great Ass To Mouth girl these days anyhow. 🙂

  10. who the fuck? is the asshair that keeps fucking up yo threads with shit like:- at 04:00:0 AM on 12/31/1969

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