Slice Of The Day: Ashlee Simpson

Well there’s something you don’t see every day… Ashlee Simpson’s nipple.

There are so many of these nipple/vagina slips these days that you just can’t help but become skeptical of their “innocence.” I sincerely doubt that paparazzi have just so happened to master the art of catching a virginal pop star sans-panties on the way to some trashy nightclub. These (maybe not this one, but a lot) are career moves, which begs the question: was Ashlee’s dad/business manager consulted on the nipular content of her week? Will an upcoming episode of “Hogan Knows Best” revolve around the Hulkster coming to grips with Brooke’s promoter insisting that she “accidentally” release a sex tape upon an unsuspecting public?

Not that I’d frown upon such a thing, mind you. I’d just like to get my DVR ready.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HA!Her sister doesn’t have to show her tits to get attention. They’re big enough to get it on their own. I love the fact that Ashley got the short end of the DNA pool in that family. She’s spent a lot of money on trying to look as good a Jessica.Keep trying, bitch.

  2. Ahoy again fellow Newgrounders!I’ve been out of town for the past week, but I just wanted to drop in and thank all of you for the great support and feedback for our latest game \”Ivan Drago: Justice Enforcer!\” It’s great to finally have the game out for all to see since we worked on it constantly for months without telling anybody about it. And now that we’ve worked out the bugs (big thanks to those of you that helped report ’em), I hope you all have a chance to beat the game and unlock each of the characters along with the additional mini-game at the end! Oldschool Newgrounders will probably recognize that mini-game as a tribute to another classic Newgrounds game! And for those of you who want to use a little more power during your fights, you might want to try figuring out some of Drago’s super moves! He’s got two of ’em – the Mega Punch and Power Stomp – and they’re not too hard to figure out if you’ve played games like Street Fighter before (plus they’ll be unveiled at the end if you beat the game all the way through).I spent a good number of years living in Philadelphia and it was always fun watching the Rocky films and seeing areas I frequented. Out of all the films, part IV was easily my favorite both because of the badass training sequences and the inhuman strength of Drago, so I wanted to pay homage to it with a big flash game. Thanks to the equally hard work of Poxpower and BomToons, I think we pulled it off nicely and I couldn’t be happier with the results. And of course, I gotta thank Tom for his support of the project from the very beginning!Well anywho, releasing this game was a great way to end the year for me – thanks for playing it! Hope you’ve all had a spiffy holiday season and I’ll see ya in ’07!

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