Slice Of The Day: Angelina Jolie

Just because she’s hot, fucked up in the head, and has a new movie out that I probably won’t see, Angelina Jolie is the slice of the day. And watch out if you’re at work, because that gallery could get you in a little bit of trouble.

Angelina Jolie... yeah, I guess I'd consider carrying her blood around.

So I guess Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is currently tops at the box office, but it still did somewhat poorly over the opening weekend. I can’t say that I’m surprised. I don’t want to see it, I already own Crimson Skies for the Xbox, so what more do I need?

I guess an R-rating and a lesbian scene between Angelina and Gwyneth, but that would be too obvious. ….and hot.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. not seeing sky captain?anybody who’s a fan of comics is doing themselves a huge disservice by not seeing this movie. Amazing interpretation of 1930’s era pulps and sci fi.The CGI is also an absolute pleasure to watch, especially in the first 20 minutes in new york where the art direction really shines.

  2. bahI guess thats why i hated the fucking movie. After the first 15 mins, you get passed the nice art deco, soft focus feel to the film…and you begin to focus on the actual story…which blows fat donkey cock…someone kick gwenyth paltrow in her box…slut.

  3. wrongIt’s a damn fine film. A somewhat traditional \”save the world\” story, but it has GIANT ROBOTS, dammit! Awesome aircraft and lots of other cool technology. It’s worth seeing for that stuff alone.Also, Angelina’s character is really fun. Go see it.

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