Slice Of The Day: Alexis Bledel

Hey, would you look at that! The Alexis Bledel gallery doesn’t totally fucking suck anymore! Huzzah!

I think I deserve a CokeĀ®.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. well sideshowbob..the obvious answer is because you are, in fact, a pedophile. guilt always pops up at the weirdest times!or maybe it’s because she looks twelve. her features are so like, soft. she looks like a little girl playing dress up…the answer is breast implants. pshh.

  2. yeaaaaj!I always had a hard time deciding who between her and her tv mom I would like to \”ravage\” the most…I’d say it’s a tie.

  3. woot We improved sync on some areas. Not only making things smooth but also syncing things like vehicle damage, even when you just join

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