Slice Of The Day: Alessia Merz

Well, after seeing Terminator 3 I figured I needed to wash my poor corneas with something. After a nice battery-fluid rinse, the pain subsided a bit, so I decided to put up today’s slice of the day. This one is another LP gallery, which he specifically requested. The awesome thing about this gallery? It’s so not-safe-for-work that I great difficulty sifting through the near 150 image gallery for a picture that would be viewable at the office. So here she is, Alessia Merz.

You get to see a lot more of Alessia Merz than this in the gallery, so get movin'

Holy crap, who is this chick? Does she have a fear of shirts or something? Note that I’m not complaining, I just want to know where I can pick up one of those to take home.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. stfuShut your bitching hole Sharkster, T3 didn’t suck.It didn’t rule, but it didn’t suck as you would have people believe.

  2. wowBest. Gallery. EVAR.By the way, I find it interesting that there are nude paparazzi pics of a woman who poses nude for a living. Does anyone else find this a little ironic?

  3. ForumsHey Sharkey….Whats the deal, when I try to get into the forums, it tries to download a file called Forum 2….

  4. Not IronicI believe redundant would be a more accurate description.Speaking of redundant, have you seen T3? MOST UNNECESSARY FILM, EVER.

  5. Not IronicHaving recently read an article about the true definition of irony, I have to agree with Sharkey that taking nude paparazzi pics of a published nude model is redundant, but pleasantly so.I wonder what languages she speaks ?

  6. Ironicly redundant ironyFrom – Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.The reason I said that it was ironic is because I wouldn’t expect there to be nude paparazzi shots of her and yet there are, hence irony. C’mon Sharkey, you gotta give me this one. I can never use that damn word correctly and for once I thought I did. Eh, ironic, redundant, whatevah. As long as there are more people taking pictures of her boobies, who cares about semantics?And no, I haven’t seen T3 yet, but I was thinking of going tonight until I read your post. You may have just saved me twenty bucks and a migraine, so thanks for the warning. Damn, I was hoping that it wouldn’t suck but deep down I was afraid that it was going to. So not even indestructible terminator boobs could save it?

  7. ideaher in that loincloth kind of reminds me of those crappy ass blue lagoon movies. now if they would make a return to blue lagoon again, and have her and milla jovovich frolicing around in those little outfits… i’m so there.

  8. IronyI didnt say that it was wrong, I merely stated that redundant was a more accurate description.

  9. UnnecessaryI gotta agree. T3 is a passable show by itself, but as a third installment… uh… well, it just completely voided the concept behind the first two. Nice work, folks. Maybe we should hire these people to make a sequel to Saving Private Ryan. Just as he’s about to board the plane for home, they can turn him around, hand him a rifle, and send him back into Normandy. Same sort of effect.

  10. T3 was actually betterI think T3 was better than the first two for one simple reason: James Cameron was in no way involved in making the picture. He has to be one of the worst moviemakers around. The man should be beaten to death with a chainsaw blade covered in stinging wasps.

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