Slice Of The Day

Even though Daredevil left me with an ass-taste in my mouth for a few days, Jennifer Garner has yet to do me wrong. So in celebration of that fact, she is your slice of the day.

I normally hate fish, but in this case I'll make an exception

Since there seem to be very few hot pics of her on the web, I humbly request that if you have any pics of her that just smoke right through your screen, please send them to me. If they arent in the gallery already, that is. At least look, you lazy pricks, there’s boobies in them thar hills.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. She’s a man, man.Too strong of a chinline and adam’s apple 4 me. If I get around to it I’ll PhotoChop her face onto Fabio’s body. Gimme some Elisha Cuthbert! wooo-wooooooo!

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