Slice Of The Day

I found some interesting pictures from the Project Greenlight party featuring Britney Spear’s nipples, therefore I have made her the Slice Of The Day. Enjoy.

So Christina's the sluttier, more talented version of me, but I'm the white trashy, slut-in-hiding version of her?

And just so you know, I promise that I will never, ever run a site in which this guy is your slice of the day. That’s just a cruel world to live in. (Please note: if unsatisfied with this potential nerd photoshoppin’ gold, please returned unused portions for a full refund. I’ll give you a hint: the unused portions can usually be found in a nerd’s pants.)

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HehI see my schitzophrenic self has been here again. For the record, it’s really my fist, not my head. Evil Marc is always exaggerating.

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