Slice Of The Day

Since I’m about to post something else, I may as well get the SOTD out of the way. And if you call me a pervert, well… you’re right. I run SOTD, what do you expect? Anyway, we finally have a gallery of the most forbidden of all slices… the unholy Olsen Twins. It shames me to say that they are hot. But shame seems to have a pants-tightening effect, so that’s OK.

The Olsen Twins. Mary Kate and Ashley. I bet you'd risk jailtime to see them naked.

I know, I know, they’re like, a year-and-a-half from legality. Like that would stop any of you. Most of you would pay good money for look at an actual boob, let alone one the heretofore-unforseen mamms that lie beneath the lucky cloth that clothe the tits of the Olsen Twins. So don’t go judging me. Not until I post something, anyway. I might be drunk, so judge liberally.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Yipes!I’d hit that shit, then I remember watching them run around in their pampers on Full House, then I get all kweezy.

  2. still too weird…I don’t get this Olsen twins shit. Sure, they’ve got a damn fine chance of becoming hot. But currently, they don’t even look like young women. They still look like kids. That’s a little creepy.

  3. Boing!I dont know what the big deal is. They’re hot, no doubt about it. The way I see it, its is only illegal if you get caught. Plus, I bet they are going to play this being under aged thing out until the end and powo! Playboy centerfold.

  4. Only in France…now if we was in france…then maybe we gots something to talks about cuz them Frenchies are spineless freaks that go for shit like dat.- Fred G.

  5. You must be joking..It would seem that some of you don’t fully appreciate fine young ass when you see it. True form has no age limits friends, enjoy the fruit it bears. Thats choice trim there, and will only get better with some slight aging…

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