I tried watching her on TV the other day, but I’ve got to admit that it was so mind-numbing, I had to mute the TV, once my brain remembered how to operate my thumbs. After that, I began to appreciate the aesthetic values of Kelly Ripa, but then that ass Regis Philbin came on and my wang reached up, slapped me in the face and changed the channel for me. True story. So I decided that Ms. Ripa needed her own slice gallery. If you’ve got any additions to make, I’d appreciate it. Now enjoy the Regis-less wang enhancing images.
Yeah, even muted you can tell that she’s annoying. But that’s all the more reason to make like my wang and slap her in the face… with your wang. …It’s late.
Mmmm…Thanks Sharkey… I have no idea what it is about her but I consider her one of the hottest women out there. I have much the same feeling for Tina Fey. *Cough*Hint*Cough*
well nowTina Fey is one of the best ideas I’ve heard around here in weeks.
Tina FeyDamn, that IS a good idea. Good one.
Slices!Glad to see the sliceDB is gettin’ so big, but may I make a suggestion? Elisha Cuthbert. Old School and 24. On the covers of FHM and Maxim in back to back months.
hmmI also like the Elisha Cuthbert idea. But yeah, great call on that wildabeest. Maybe it’s a college student thing, but I was thinking about that when I read the post.
another suggestioni was thinking that sabrina lloyd (the chick from sliders/sports night) would be a good addition to slice of the day.
smallDamn she has small tits
You’d hit it I’m sureI’m sure you’d hit it anyways, small tits or not. I know I’d hit it.
eh yeahword.hit dat ass.
Kelly’s smilelets pair her up with a carpet-mucher and let the fun begin…Tits, i think those are small chest bones sticking out, who knows…