Slice Of The Day

Hoo boy, fun stuff to tell you about today. But for now I’ve gotta get the Hell outta here and acquire some Krispy Kremes, know what I’m sayin’? In the meantime, you go ahead and get better acquainted with Zooey Deschanel.

Zooey Deschanel

Zooey was most memorable in flicks like Almost Famous and Mumford, but you don’t care about that. You care about boobies. So why are you still reading this?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. WTF?What’s up with the slice of the day page? anytime i go to any slice o the day page all i get is pictures of that fucking monkey. that’s just right out cruel and unusual punishment. *sniffle* Give one pic and talk about how hot a chick is then send me to pictures of a monkey…

  2. WorksI don’t know what’s wrong with the rest of you, but everything at SOTD works just fine for me.

  3. The real link just fucked up the ink, take the \” off the end and all is fine.

  4. MonkeyIf you use certain anti-adware or proxies, you might get the monkeys. Sorry, nothin’ I can do, its the server setup.

  5. ehnot that great of a slice. maybe there are better pics somewhere… well, i realize you’re just tryin to please the people but that’s the worst SOTD i’ve seen.

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