Slap On The Wrist For A Knife To The Junk?

Longtime just sent me a story which… really just defies all common sense. And it made my business hurt a little bit just reading about it.

A Romanian surgeon who underwent a fit of madness while operating on a man’s testicles proceeded to amputate his penis and cut it into three pieces.

Doctor Ciomu had been banned from entering an operating theatre for two months pending the results of an investigation by the medical council, Oprescu said.

Meanwhile the wife of the unfortunate patient said she was suing Dr. Ciomu.

I sincerely hope that the two month suspension is just procedural nonsense on the road to getting this man committed, or thrown in jail, or anything fitting the crime of mutilating another man’s reason to live.

I like that the wife is doing all of the suing, btw. Its almost as if she’s saying “God dammit, I needed that! Where the Hell am I gonna find another one?” Meanwhile her poor husband’s still got his balls (as much as a married man can) but no conduit. I smell serious litigation, a quick divorce, serious alimony settlements, and a noose in his future.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. slice man, slicehook me up w/ some new forbidden soon to be dutch apple stuff manhell- any apple pie will do at this ptgo ahead- make my day

  2. wowDid that guy just ask for kiddie porn?And why does an article about genital mutilation make you want to look at porn? It made me want to curl up in the fetal position and cry for three days.

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