
It’s been busy as fuck around here. Having a real job is painful to the creativity, humor, and general will to go on living capacities. So lets liven things up with some videos that make me not want to strangle every single one of you with rusty chicken wire. (It’s nothing personal baby, it’s just business…)



….are you not watching the Keeley video? What are you, gay? Get the fuck out of here!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. zeldaThe Twilight Princess is coming out for the Gamecube next Spring, not the Revolution. The Revolution won’t be out until November ’06.Keeley is so fucking hot.

  2. FastYes, but the idea is that if they can push the brick this par, the Revolution should be more than impressive. I’ll draw a picture next time to explain.

  3. ActionAnd Brick should have been capitalized, and par should have been far, and I should not have been typing (and again) while drunk.

  4. jordan…Don’t get me wrong, I love the boobs, but it seems like Katie Price’s (Jordan’s) Botox (sp?) and face lifts havent been going so well.

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