[ I Am Learn ] – Learning Perl script actually produces a blog worth reading for more than ten seconds. What’s sad is that this thing writes with more lucidity than some people I know.

Lately I been speaking to Edwin about lesbian webloggers. The human body sometimes baffles me and I appreciate it!Please comment on the state of lesbian webloggers or lesbian webloggers here for me to read.And they are the best there is with my my mojo too. Please comment on my babbling or lesbian webloggers here for me to read. that seems to be the case. What do you love to say?.

So this are my 56th post and..I despise hard-ass robot monkeys.

This mothefucker covers some kickass topics. Lesbians. Britney Spears. Hard-ass robot monkeys. I never even thought to post about hard-ass robot monkeys, let alone formulate my own opinion of them. We’re all in serious trouble here.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. well…if it ever does become intelligent and get out of control we could just distract it with a task it cannot complete easily:\”Find all the Paris Hilton pr0n. Copy to DVD-RW.\”That should give us a few minutes to figure out how to pull the plug on the fucker. Plus, we’re have Hilton pr0n.And he saw what he had programmed… and it was good.

  2. Wr Fucked…Gather can goods and bottled water, head for the hills…..Bring Women Folk and Collection of Expensive Thongs….Set up camp….Use Emotional control on Females while there stii EZ….Populate and take back the World Pussys!!!!

  3. JebusThe main reason this bot has lousy spelling and a total lack of proper grammar is because it apparently learns from people posting shit like this.

  4. whoa.this kind of shit normally scares me, but since its only text, it can’t get too far…even if it does, simply make it define to the last order the value of pi…it would \”self-terminate\”….

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