Skate Vote Shut Up Or Die!

Lord almighty. I go and do my civic duty by voting, and attempt to put on some headphones so that I can ignore the world for the next 48 hours. Why oh why can I not escape the ensuing flood of bullshit for just a short time?

I think Im going to hit the gym, have a few beers with the homies, and play videogames until we have a President.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Huh?> play videogames until we have a new President.San Andreas is a great game, but I don’t think you can play it for four years.

  2. As I left the polling area…some seven year old kid was screaming \”VOTE OR DIE\” over and over again like he was actually doing something. Is it legal to rip out annoying kids lips? I promise to return them to him after he says sorry.Ah maybe I’m too mad or something. ah well.

  3. Or Die?Death seems almost like a last resort. We are trying to liberate Iraq and allow them to have a \”Free\” election and here we are having our lives threatened.Bullshit

  4. New presidentYou mean until mid-november, when they finally decide? Or do you mean mid january, when the new president takes office? Or, like the previous dude said, till we have a new-new president, say in four years + some months.Man, I would kill to find a game that good. Maybe Half Life 2, eh?

  5. I heardI hear tell we won’t kbnow for 11 days or some shit. Thanks Ohio.So you’re going on a week and a half bender eh?

  6. Choose…Bush Twins or Kerry’s Fugly Offspring?Make your selection using our new Touch-Screen Voting System. Sanitized for your protection and safety. Easy to use menu with Inter-Active Help and 24 Hour Tech Support….Warning: \” System is not Responding \”…..Choose again.Warning: \” System Error 1892 \”Choose again.Please call Attendent…..

  7. Admit what?I wouldn’t have ‘stand’ Teresa Heinz Kerry. I’d tell the bitch off once, and the ketchup mafia would end my ass.

  8. JeebusO.K bush won…I propose that we make a giant anvil sized and shaped to cover Ohio and drop it on those bastards. W for +4 years? That sounds like a nightmare not only for the states but for the whole world. Incredibile… Welp Im moving to Mars…

  9. bush…yeahA lot of people aren’t being very fair to W. Just because he’s fucked up in the past (which world leader hasn’t) and because he can’t put a coherent sentence together, they expect him to fuck the whole world up.Besides, it’s only 4 more years, then we don’t have to worry about it anymore.

  10. lolzand the joke america represents to the world has just rolled on for another 4 yearsexcept this joke isnt as funny, because it can nuke you….

  11. Not funny?I think it’s fucking awesome America can nuke assholes that fuck with it. That’s the way it should be; you fuck around, you get your ass blown off and then slapped in the face with it. Keeps people in check–something Kerry never would’ve been able to do.

  12. Damn skippy!4 more years, kickass! fuck with the best, die like the rest! none of Kerry’s \”please, oh please, mighty UN, allow us to eliminate a threat to our nation’s great people!\”

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