Site Junk

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I fixed the archives. Shut up. February is now active. I’m working on the new layout, etc. as well, it’s just been a busy… year.

And since this post is already about stupid crap that 99% of you don’t care about, let’s talk about something that I care about. Confusion, as in mine. Confusion as to what the Hell this is all about.

Much like any previous speculation ushered forth by what the finest analysts have to offer, we take this with so much salt we’re already writing our last will and testament, as the report aims wildly vague with the suggestion that the GameBoy Advance 2 could offer a graphical leap forward like the next-gen consoles *or* merely an incremental step that slightly improves upon the current GBA.

Of course the news that GameBoy Advance 2 is in development and is coming can hardly be counted upon as new, but to start talking about it at this stage when the Nintendo DS has yet to see a release in certain parts of the world is absolute pointless and futile; we fully expect details to emerge across the coming months, but would hang-off putting this one on your Christmas list just of yet.

What… what the fuck? If they put out another GBA when I’m still sitting playing Mario 64 again and again on my DS, some little Japanese motherfuckers are gonna die. Except for Miyamoto. Him, I’ll kidnap, and force him to do things.

…video game related things. I swear.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. RidiculousThis is utterly ridiculous is Nintendo comes out with a GBA2 this year. As if I wasn’t pissed off enough at them for releasing the SP not even two years after the original GBA and the LAST year only a year later releasing the DS which \”is a handheld completely seperate from GameBoy\” but that’s basically bullshit. That would mean Nintendo released a new handheld THREE YEARS IN A ROW if this happens. Does anyone else see how absurd this is? Wasn’t there like a3 to 4 year gap in between GameBoy Color and GBA at least???

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