Sirius Shit

My friend made me try his Sirius service (and swank little satellite reciever/dvr device) because he said it would “change my life.” Thus far it’s been pretty fucking sweet. I forgot how much I missed Stern, and now getting to hear his two 24/7 channels in uncensored glory, I do kind of wonder how I can go back to listening to regular radio with the millions of commercials and tame subject matter.

We were talking about the glories of the Stern 101 channel, specifically Riley Martin, and his negotiations over his compensation for the 1 hour each week that he does his show. I’ve been scouring the internet trying to find the broadcast of his last negotiation session, and said things like “If you can pay uh… Howahhd Stuhhn a hundred million dollah contract, you mothafuckahhs can afford to give me some of the man’s table scraps!” And apparently when offered $400 per each 1-hour show, replied with “Mothafuckah I was thinkin’ 20K!”

I need this. I downloaded the last 5 or 6 episodes of his show and found nothing of the sort. Anyone have it?

Also, are there any music stations on this thing worth listening to? Every time I give it a shot, I regret it.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Sirius has music?! heh heh

    I got it at the beginning of Stern’s run last year and had to renew it. Now, when I’m forced to listen to regular radio, I feel like I’m cheating myself somehow. I just wish that, when the merger goes through, they use XM’s compression technology since the music stations sound like shitty 96bit mp3s.

    As far as Riley Muhhhthafuhkin Martin goes, I like him for the remixes they use his voice in. But he’s on way too late for me to catch his show. Bubba is the man and Farrell is a fucking nut. After hearing Robin say Riley’s show got 25k callers the other night, I was floored that that many people listen to the guys bullshit. I love how he thinks that he’s worth so much per show since Howard is making his $500 mil.

    The music stations are alright. I give them props for playing a lot of unknowns, but I think contemporary rock sucks a mean dick today anyway. The only station I really stay away from is Faction. I hate that “x-treme” music bullshit. Fucking Jock Rock for the 21st century. Octane swings that way a little too, but the 90’s music they play is good, and they do a little more metal. My opinion though, as I think bands like Fall Out Boy should go down in the next tragic helicopter crash.

  2. “When this baby hits 88mph, you’re gonna see some sirius shit”

    It depends on what your poison is. I listen at work, Howard for 5 hours and another 4 to the music channels. I listen to Ch. 22 ‘1st wave’ (Classic Alternative) a lot. My other presets include: 34 ‘Boombox’ (Breakbeats and Mashups), 14 and 7 (Classic Vinyl and 70’s hits), 43 ‘Backspin’ (classic hip-hop), and 11 ‘BBC Radio 1’ (For a preview of what will be playing in U.S. clubs 6-7 months from now, and super cute sounding british djs and callers).

    It’s nice to hear uncensored lyrics and bullshit ‘radio-safe’ edits.

    I can’t listen to regular radio anymore either.

    ‘Well Tim, I suggest you take that $400, roll it up good tight, you know, like a money roll… And stick it up your ass.”

  3. Doh. That should have read, ‘It’s nice to hear uncensored lyrics and /no/ bullshit ‘radio-safe’ edits.’

  4. I can’t listen to regular radio either, and I agree, 22 and 34 are good, 26 (college/indie) is good too. I describe it to people like this: Satellite and regualr both have heavy rotation song lists and then they mix in other stuff say 20% of the time. Regular radio mixes in call it 1000 songs into that light rotation stuff. Satellite mixes in abot 10,000 songs. So, yes you’ll get a little more Depeche Mode than you want, but you also might actually hear Fools Gold too (still worth all 8 minutes)

  5. I don’t listen to regular radio anymore unless forced to at gunpoint. Fucking Sirius alerts me when a band I like is about to play, I get uncensored Stern, and I have discovered that Bubba and friends are a bunch of funny, crazy-ass redneck muhfuggahs. I usually miss the first 1.5 hours of Stern, but not to worry, I can catch it when the replay comes around at noon. Switch over to Bubba on 101 at 3:00 and I’m good for the rest of the workday.
    Octane, Buzzsaw, Left of Center, and sometimes Underground Garage (don’t ask me for channel numbers) are pretty decent, but I don’t listen to the music a whole bunch. Classic Rewind, The Vault, and Classic Vinyl are also in my top ten. But there’s an age factor there, I guess.

  6. He’d trudged through the gloom for hardly a moment when his instincts tingled in sudden warning. The cursed inhabitants of the wasteland were coming, drawn to the simple fact that he was breathing and his flesh was still warm. Tenaros dropped into a battle crouch, his Staff of Mana at the ready.

    The odd click-clack of old bones in motion announced the approach of a swarm of skeletons; at the edge of the gloom he could just make out the first of them. An arrow whistled past his ear. Archer. He hated archers. Three other skeletons carrying scimitars followed the arrows out of the murk, eye-sockets aglow with eldritch enchantment. Tenaros raised his left hand — a small gesture, his fingers angled just so as he envisioned the mystic symbol in his mind. Unseen power rippled forth from his soul and settled within the cursed frame of the bow-wielding skeleton; there it expanded, shattering brittle bones in a golden explosion of light. The archer transformed into a collapsing nimbus of dust and broken fragments.

  7. For a time, as dusk approached, nothing stirred but the feeble breeze, the slow sclurch of mindless slime seeking morsels amid the ash, and Tenaros’ steady footfalls. Daylight quickly gave way to the growing dim and night soon assumed dominion over the land. Tenaros summoned light and renewed his protective spells, knowing that nightfall would bring the height of the wasteland’s evil. As if to illustrate, two ghouls moaned as they caught scent of Tenaros’ living flesh. He saw flashes of green power through the gloom as they hastened themselves to his position. Tenaros was in no mood to endure their poisonous, putrid stench any more than he had to. Before they could get within ten yards of him, he took a deep breath, concentrated, then gestured. Almost immediately, one ghoul staggered as, impossibly, living tissue began to take the place of the decayed meat all over its form. A Full Heal spell brought life to anti-life and the ghoul dissolved in a conflict of flesh. Tenaros cast a Turn Undead spell on the other and squinted at the sudden golden glow of the last ghoul’s destruction. The Mage felt weary in spite of his triumph; spell-casting drew heavily on one’s spirit. With still more enemies to confront, he straightened slowly and continued into the dark.

  8. I got hooked on the Sirius Blues channel on 74. Makes for good background noise when working. Bubba’s guys are FEARLESS. Its the kind of show Howard would have done 20 years ago if he didn’t have the FCC on his dick. Scott Ferrall is the shit for the drive home. Here in Vegas, there’s no real local radio anyway, its all nationally syndicated CBS or ClearChannel bullshit, or its local smooth jazz that’s like listening to a Billy Dee Williams Colt-45 Malt Liquor commercial from 1977.

    Playboy radio…hmmm…Night Calls is okay, but its hardly the kinda radio that entices me to crank out a batch of knuckle children.

  9. Got the Sirius connection due to a friend working there. The one-time sub ended up being the way to go, plus you can haggle the phone folks if you play nice (got an extra tuner thrown in).

    On the music side….yeah, things can get sketchy. They just launched Lithium 24 (90’s alt) that is alright. Biggest problem, with all stations, is they are pretty tight with daytime playlists no matter the station. NIghts and late-night are the times to get obscure (read: good) stuff on any cahnnel. As above, BBC1 is as described. First Wave 22, especially on evenings is good as well.

    Long drives, hate to admit, but the Raw Dog comedy channel is great. I recently killed a Manhattan Beach to San Francisco run, via 101, and it killed time like nothing else. When Jim Bruer comes on, well…got to move on.

  10. ( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )( . )( . ) ( o Y o )

  11. I’ve had Sirius for a few years now; my favorite station is channel 28 (Faction). I don’t like the “celebrity” shows, but the mix of music is good. 19, 20, and 21 are good too.

    I also have to agree. .. .Raw Dog is great when you’re stuck in traffic.

  12. There is a new channel that plays 90’s hits… I don’t remember the channel # offhand, but it’s awesome. 24 hours of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, STP, Soundgarden, etc…

  13. 24/7 of early 90’s….I’m there.

    Oh yeah, Opie and Anthony can eat a dick. I hope Sirius cans their unoriginal, boring asses the day after the merger.

  14. I’m pretty sure they played the negotiation on 3/20/07. I was in and out of the car and remember hearing parts of it, and Howard blowing up at his guys for not having the tape ready to go when he needed it. Another good place to poke around and get all kinds of info is those people are hardcore and can probably tell you when anything in the last 20 years happened.

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