Since We Missed Tara Reid’s Birthday…

I wish everyone didn't think I was so retarded! *SNOOORRRRRRRT*Yeah yeah yeah, Tara Reid had a titty slip the other day, in a brilliantly horrific piece of PR wizardry. If this wasn’t a stunt conceived by her publicist, then the bitch is on coke. Lots and lots of coke. Because no woman could fucking sit around with their tit hanging out and a loose fitting dress around her arms without thinking “hey… its a bit drafty.” Shit, even if her newly purchased tits were rendered completely insensetive to the elements during the salinification process, she might notice that the dress fell off her shoulders and landed around her goddamned ankles.

Anyway, I threw up a gallery (thank zuzu for the pics) of the now infamous incident, for the five of you that haven’t seen the pics yet. Personally I don’t like having so many pictures of bad nipples on my server, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices in the name of science.

Yeah. I’m a scientist now. What of it, bitch?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. It’s rotting or something.It looks like the color of a scab. No titty should be 5 inches in diameter and be green with a red outline.

  2. ….\”No titty should be 5 inches in diameter and be green with a red outline.\”Perhaps they are christmas boobs?

  3. AirplaneI just heard on the radio this morning that Tara was on a plane trip and decided she wanted to throw on her PJs in the middle of the flight. After \”tearing\” off some clothes in the middle of the flight – not bothering to walk to the bathroom- she was taken and given a \”stearn\” talk to. Coked up? Most likely.

  4. Pink, Brown, Red…it doesn’t really matter.They’re all creamy white after I’ve spooged on ’em!Fuck you all, more for me. Hoooray for Tara’s boobies!

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