1. YouTubeUnless you want a copy to save, there are like 87 links on YouTube. The clip to me isn’t so much hysterical as it is fascinating to watch over and over again because Natalie gives 110%. It’s amazing.

  2. new working link (for now)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfiiH1v9elk&search=natalie%20portman%20snl

  3. ….Not sure how you can’t think this is funny. The rap’s not that funny, that host suffers from douchitis, but how far Natalie takes it contrasted against her rep and usual persona is rather entertaining.

  4. lonelyislandThis was bleh, but Stork Patrol and Chronic of Narnia are fucking incredible. Google that shit and laugh your ass off, it’s by the same guys.

  5. 404 Funny Not FoundWTF is this? Not funny at all. Not even shocking. Oh my god! Natalie Portman said fuck! Whoop-de-Fuckin-doo. She needs to get naked right now.

  6. Passable!Wow, I was about to just not watch this given that the link didnt work and alot of the BAMF horde here didnt like it. Glad I changed my mind though. Its actually pretty funny if you can get the sight gag of a girl as small as Natalie busting out with some gangsta ass shit.

  7. Just laughIf you can’t see the comedy in this you have either lost your sense of humor or you have none, slap-stick isn’t all that’s out there.

  8. Christ.All you people that can’t see the funny are either British, or communists.This is one of the funniest things ever.

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