Short Movie Review: 25th Hour

Here’s my quick and simple movie review for this Spike Lee joint: My girlfriend sucks, but not as much as the movie she chose. The greatness of Edward Norton could not save this piece of shit. I think Spike Lee’s rapport with the rest of the world is not at all unlike that of a couple who’s child got dropped on its head a few too many times as a baby. The kid keeps making shitty crayon drawings over and over again, and the parents keep placating him. “It’s good honey, go show daddy and let mommy enjoy her chardonnay.”

Of course, I’m the prick who supported him by renting the fucking thing, so I’m patting him on the head and putting it on the refridgerator with a little magnet just like the rest of America. Is it too late for adoption?

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By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. damn….amazing. i just got back from the video place, having rented none other than the 25th hour…

  2. I disagreeSharkey, I’ve been reading this site for at least 3 years now. You rule, but you suck. 25th hour was a great movie. The ‘Fuck you’ scene in the bathroom at his dads bar was amazing. All in all I liked it, so therefor you are wrong. But that’s just my opinion.

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