Shit Worth Buying Report

It has seriously been a long-ass time since I was able to report on stuff to buy, and I’m pretty excited that there are actually DVDs and other consumer goods worth laying down my hard-earned shekels to obtain. This week is a special week for me, because a DVD set that I’ve been waiting (no joke) since 2001, when the first season was released. So without further ado, I shed a tear for the greatest season of one of the greatest shows of all time:

  • The Simpsons: Season 8 – Oh sweet Jesus, I praise thee for this season of the Simpsons. I would burn down the senior citizens home from Cocoon just to get this boxed set to my doorstep one single day sooner. Let me break down for you, why this is THE season of the show to own.
    1. You Only Move Twice – Hank. Fucking. Scorpio. One of the top 5 episodes of all time. Homer goes to work for the nicest Bond villain ever. I can’t even submit a favorite quote from this episode, I’d wind up stating the entire goddamned thing verbatim.
    2. Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment – The “Beer Baron” episode. Also a top 5 episode of all time.

      “Goin’ bowling! Not back, avenge death!”

    3. Ozmodiar.
    4. Johnny Cash.


    5. Just read about the rest of the episodes. Almost every single episode of season 8 is amazing. If you don’t agree, go fuck yourself with the glaive from Krull.
  • Apocalypse Now – 2 Disc Dossier Edition – Do I need to say anything else about this? Go buy it.
  • Final Fantasy: Dirge of Cereberus – I don’t know if it’s going to be any good, but hey, it’s Final Fantasy and I’m a consumer whore. Especially for Square.

Short list, but hey, it’s something. Which is more than I can say about the last few months. Besides, I’ll be too busy watching Simpsons Season 8 over and over again to notice that everything else is shit.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. Simpsons S8Best Simpson Line evr was from Season 8.. \”I moved here from Canada, and they tink I’m slow, ehhhhh?

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