Ships Ahoy

Well, I am now standing on the deck of the Monarch Of The Seas wearing a dorky life preserver amidst a sea of similarly fated vacationers. I figured as long as I’m being forced to abandon fun for a few minutes, I may as well channel my spite in your direction.

So far the trip has been great. The gf’s brother snuck us ahead of the four hour line by charming the pants off a platinum club level check-in girl. The whole thing seems pretty fucking awesome, free food and whatnot. Unfortunately I did not hit the bar prior to this demonstration, which has turned a party-happy crowd into a bunch of whining crybabies. Sorry kids, but I drown any sorrows I come across in liquor, and I don’t need a lifejacket to pull myself back out. There are paramedics for that.

Whoops, they’re teaching us how to use the buckles now, id better pay attention. Nate, Jacko, and everyone else I’m too lazy to acknowledge by name: the site is in your hands for a few days. I expect fresh cookies upon my return. Butter-toffee, if possible.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Shipwrecked…Man if i were you i’d make sure 1 of those lifeboats had my name on it, screw the women and children first crap…..Stash one in your quarters, no one will know…..

  2. BAHAI went on the Monarch of the Seas. That ship is a dump. Hey sharkey, have a good time with the old people 😉

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