1. douchebags\”Where in life does the retailer set the price of the content?\” Ah, just about anywhere. \”Suggested Retail Price\” come to mind?Look at any supermarket. They choose what to charge. You seel stuff to them at a specific price, they choose how much profit to make on the sale.

  2. ExactlyThe manufactuer (or label) suggest the retail price, but it’s up to the retailer to set the actual price.

  3. HehI’m assuming in basic economic terms, Itunes sets the final sale price as a retailer. Music companies create music. They sell their product to Itunes. If they charge over 99 cents, then Itunes will presumably say \”fuck you, and your little dog too.\”I see nowhere that these fat greedy record company fuckers can get off on saying the should set Itunes prices.

  4. ummYou people are dumb if you don’t think the record co’s proposal is a good idea. They’re gonna start charing 2.00 for all the horrible rap and r&b singles that disgrace the billboard top 100 chart constantly. for the rest of us who enjoy good music, the demand, and thus the price, will be lower.

  5. Yeah RightThe REALLY old songs and the REAL nobodies will see 99c songs and everybody else including the good stuff will see $1.50 and up. This is bad. Remember when Record Companies said they’d lower the cd prices down to $9.99 when cd format became standard? Dont trust the labels. Greedy fucks.

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