Shameless Self Promotion

You will notice, my new best friend, that there is a new “top referrers” area on the left. This is the new link system (special thanks to harrybits for his awesomeness), which automatically tracks whether or not you are linking to If you want in on the link exchange program, just link to, and if you can send us a few hits, you’ll wind up on the list.

The preferable method to link to bamf is something along this line:

Just in case you cared, does the same damn thing. So if you’re looking for more traffic, or a boost in your google PR, give it a shot.

For the rest of you who either don’t run websites or don’t care, I give you Saddam Rock-Paper-Scissors. Happy Friday.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Does every schmo sell a t-shirt now?And isn’t it a bit disturbing that we’ve turned Saddam into such a comedic character?

  2. They all don’tThat Boris and JJ site didn’t sell anything, and yes it is kinda shameful. I say we hand him over to the kurds, and let them give him the same \”fair\” treatment he gave them.

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