1. Tim…It looked good, but come on, almost half of it didn’t make sense, and there were some cheesy lines.Sharkey already said most of it, but if you’re too lazy to click the link, I’ll bring up two easy flaws in the movie:1. Doc Oc vs Spider-Man shouldn’t be a punching match. Spidey was super powered, Doc Oc Had Steel Tentacles that moved fast and punched hard, but he couldn’t take a punch. Most of the time Spidey took him out by flicking his finger at his forehead. It would have been better if Doc Oc had blocked all the punches with his steel arms instead of taking super punches that could break brick walls to the face.2. The Cheesy ending with the web sling to nowhere. It wasn’t a crane, because there was no establishing shot. He was in the middle of a fucking abandoned wharf.

  2. BOTAlso Thursday, a coalition of labor, anti-war groups and liberal organizations planned to announce a multimillion-dollar advertising and grass-roots campaign against the commitment of extra troops.While Congress assessed his plan, Bush was to visit Fort Benning, Ga., on Thursday in an effort to sell his new strategy to the public in the face of mounting opposition to the war.A new AP-Ipsos poll found approval for Bush’s handling of Iraq hovering near a record low — 29 percent of Americans approve and 68 percent disapprove. That’s statistically about the same as Bush’s 27 percent Iraq approval and 71 percent disapproval in December.Almost all of the polling of 1,000 adults from Jan. 8-10, which had a margin of error or 3 percentgage points, occurred before Bush’s speech Wednesday night. However, reports of his plans to increase troop strength were prominent in the news during the survey period.In a 20-minute prime time speech, Bush took responsibility for mistakes in Iraq and outlined a wide-ranging strategy to pull Iraq out of its spiral of violence. Its key feature inserts 21,500 more U.S. troops into Iraq, increasing the current presence from 132,000 to 153,500 at a cost of $5.6 billion. The highest number was 160,000 a year ago in a troop buildup for Iraqi elections.\”If we increase our support at this crucial moment, and help the Iraqis break the current cycle of violence, we can hasten the day our troops begin coming home,\” Bush said.Resisting calls for troop reductions, Bush said that \”failure in Iraq would be a disaster for the United States.\”Congressional Democrats and a handful of Republicans promptly criticized the plan as an ill-advised escalation that would further mire the United States in Iraq. Several noted that the president’s strategy contradicted the advice of some of his generals.But in remarks prepared for delivery at Thursday’s House Armed Services Committee hearing, Gates offered assurances that the military command stands behind the president.\”Your senior professional military officers in Iraq and in Washington believe in the efficacy of the strategy outlined by the president last night,\” Gates’ prepared testimony said.Gates will face a skeptical audience, particularly from new House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (news, bio, voting record), D-Mo. In a statement late Wednesday, Skelton dismissed Bush’s plan as \”three and a half years late and several hundred thousand troops short.\”Looking to display party unity, House and Senate Democratic leaders issued a joint statement following the speech, asserting that Bush’s plan places an increased burden on a stretched military and \”endangers our national security.\”In an effort to isolate Bush and his war plan, Democrats planned to seek bipartisan support for a resolution that would place Congress on record opposing the troop increase. That effort, though, also underscored Democratic divisions on whether to undo Bush’s plan with tougher legislative measures.

  3. Not QuiteIf you think Spider-man 1/2 sucked, you don’t know what you’re talking about. They were very, very mediocre…but that’s still a long way from \”suck\”. Suck is reserved for unwatchable shit like The Ring 2 and Triple X.

  4. ***** multi-player modification for Rockstar North’s Grand Theft Auto game series. It is the world’s first modification to incorporate multi-player into a single-player PC game.Originally founded back in early 2003 as an experimental piece of software, Multi Theft Auto has since grown into an advanced multiplayer platform for gamers and third-party developers. Starting with MTA for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, you can play Grand Theft Auto on-line with your friends, in your own custom created maps and gamemodes, powered by the LUA scripting language and hundreds of game specific functions.

  5. It is teh suck> Suck is reserved for unwatchable shit like The Ring 2 and Triple X.Spider-man two was unwatchable for me. I haven’t watched it since the first time I saw it in the theater and I don’t plan on ever watching it again. And I got the movie on DVD as a present from my sister…I’m not going to see Spider-man 3 in theaters. I’m not going to buy or rent the DVD. If it ever shows up on basic cable, I may TiVo it.

  6. blechI might see that new robert roriguez flick 300 in theatres, but spiderman can lick the taint. BTW people who chew popcorn with an open mouth in theatres should be shot.

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