‘Scuse Me Ma’am, Can I Get Some Cream?

[ Monday Morning Lactation Report ] – oddly enough, I’ve seen two mothers nursing in front of me in as many weeks. Never really bothered me, as it benefits the child and occasionally myself, but I can see how a lot of people might be grossed out. Read on:

SILVER SPRING, Md. — About 30 mothers gathered at a Starbucks Coffee shop to nurse their babies to lobby the coffee store chain to adopt a national policy permitting public breast-feeding.

I’d pop more in there, but I can’t copy/paste the text on the sidekick, so that’s all you get. Do the work yourselves, you illiterate bastards. The gist is that women don’t want to cover their babies’ heads when they nurse in public, nor do they want to feed them in the bathroom. I’ve never said no to seeing a breast, but I can definitely attest to the fact that there are some that we shouldn’t lay our mortal eyes on.

I can say this though: I’ve yet to meet a woman who wants to see moms have the right to nurse in public. Take that, women’s rights movement!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. bull\”The breast is doing what it is designed to do\”…that’s the most retarded defense i can think of. then can i just jerk off into a napkin in plain view in starbucks, because hey… getting up and going somewhere private is too much hassle for both myself and the mother. neither leaves a mess, both are offensive but natural. i saw my cat jerk off once, so i know it is.

  2. TittiesIf they want the right to breastfeed in public, then we damn well better have the right to stare all we want to. If they won’t let us stare, then they can go to hell.

  3. big ass titaysWonder if they’d still want to breast feed in public when the freaks start snapping pitures of them doing it. It is a public place, and you don’t need permission to take pictures of public places.

  4. get over it, ******sQuote from B.D.:\”If they want the right to breastfeed in public, then we damn well better have the right to stare all we want to. If they won’t let us stare, then they can go to hell.\”Why the fuck would you want to \”stare\” at a woman feeding her child? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Breastfeeding is a natural occurance and should be allowed in whatever venue whenever women feel it necessary to FEED their child. It is not a sexual act and I’m sure the woman doing it aren’t in the least concerned with what your perverted minds are thinking. Get a grip, you ******s. Women need to feed their children and should have the right to do it in a way that suits their lifestyle and comfort level. You all should have been aborted.

  5. Wow\”Why the fuck would you want to \”stare\” at a woman feeding her child? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Breastfeeding is a natural occurance and should be allowed in whatever venue whenever women feel it necessary to FEED their child. It is not a sexual act and I’m sure the woman doing it aren’t in the least concerned with what your perverted minds are thinking. Get a grip, you ******s. Women need to feed their children and should have the right to do it in a way that suits their lifestyle and comfort level. You all should have been aborted.\”Breast feeding is SO hot.

  6. HaIf they want to feed their fucking child from their tit in public, then I’m going to stare at it just like I stare at the idiot who goes 100mph into a guardrail on the highway. I didn’t bring anything up about staring at them for some perverted purpose, dipshit. You even quoted me. Obviously you’re reading into things here.Before I forget, all of your stupidity aside (well, most of it), last time I checked guys looking at tits for enjoyment (as you seem to think is what I was talking about) is patently NON-homosexual. So had I been talking about it in a sexual sense, what part of staring at titties would make me a fag? You dumb fuck.

  7. Mmmk…You act like it’s fucking vital to the baby’s existence that they suck the milk right from the fucking tit. It’s called a god damn BREAST PUMP. If you know you’re gonna be in public for a while, put that fucking suction cup on your breast and fill a bottle or two so junior doesn’t get cranky.No matter WHAT your reasoning on it being natural, the fact remains: whipping out your tits in public is going to be awkward. People don’t have a CHOICE in how it affects them, you see a tit in public and it’s going to provoke a response. I, for one, would prefer NOT to see a baby sucking on some gnarly swollen tit while I’m trying to enjoy a meal in public. Breast feed at home, breast pump when you’re not.

  8. bd likes penisQuote from BD:\”If they want to feed their fucking child from their tit in public, then I’m going to stare at it just like I stare at the idiot who goes 100mph into a guardrail on the highway. \”So you’re also the asshole who rubbernecks on the highway and fucks up my commute every morning? Jackass.

  9. Have you ever had a kid?I know this won’t change anyone’s mind, but I have two children and my sister-in-law has three and I have friends who have had children. While I am not a woman, I’ve seen what they have to deal with.1. Babies do not always wait until it is convenient to get hungry.2. Covering up a feeding baby may distract him too much and make it hard for him to eat.3. Breast pumps do not always work well. Also, a woman who has a kid in daycare may need all that milk for the daycare.4. Women with children generally avoid breastfeeding in public if they can, but sometimes they can’t. While I’m sure there are exceptions, the mother you are hating may be on her first time out of the house in six months, may have stuffed the baby before she left to avoid having to feed him in public, and may be mortified. But her baby needs food.5. Some places have nice rooms for people to nurse in. I would encourage mothers to use those. Other places don’t. Many bathrooms are nasty. While I’m not anal about protecting my children from the possibility of contact with a germ, there are bathrooms I wouldn’t go in myself, much less with a baby I had to feed.6. In many states, women have a legal right to nurse anywhere they have a legal right to be in the first place.Bolie IV

  10. My observationsHere’s what I’ve observed…Babies are rather soft creatures. To get proper distance and air when you punt them, you have to use some type of sturdy structure to enhance their yielding bodies. I suggest duct tape or a weight belt.Babies also can be thrown rather far, depending on the strength of the thrower. If you were to apply a spin right before heaving the baby, this may increase the distance you can achieve with the said child.Last time I saw it occur, the breastfeeding mom was none too the pleasing to the eye. In fact, I would compare said mom to the ugly fems who protested topless on the university campus.

  11. I gotta say…I have seen some milfs with their chesticles out, and the sight was not bad. This is not always a detriment to the visual attractiveness of an establishment.

  12. Um….Does this mean that I can get with staring at womens breasts all the time because ‘my eyes are doing what they’re designed for’? Cos that would be cool. I’m just back from Spain, I saw hundreds of titties on show, there were only 2 sets that disturbed me, and you know what I did? I looked away from them. Right across the pool in fact. To a girl who looked like Paris Hilton rubbing suncream into her big bouncy baps. We don’t have Starbucks here, but I’d go to any coffee shop if I thought I might see some nice titties, all full of milfy goodness.

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