Science: Proving Things We Already Knew

Hey, you there. Guess what? Science has taken time out of it’s busy schedule to prove that women are bad drivers. Yeah. Shocking.

Map reading and parking may prove difficult for some women because they were exposed to too little testosterone in the womb, researchers suggest.

The study, in the journal Intelligence, fuels the age-old male myth that women are deficient in these skills.

Scientists from the University of Giessen, Germany, found a lack of the hormone affects spatial ability.

Wow. Thanks for clearing that one up for us, professor. Tell you what, I’ve got an idea for some unnecessary research that the government should pay me for doing. Here are some examples:

  • Do black people like fried chicken?
  • Are asian people shorter than whitey?
  • Is Harry Knowles the fattest webmaster on the planet?

Where’s my grant, fuckers?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. WellI guess that explains why I’m such a good driver…it’s cuz I expose myself to testosterone everyday coming here. PS- No one should ever give yoularge amounts of money.. that would only lead to your world domination with the aide of your midget and monkey army.

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