Science. Our Friend Again.

I’m buying a Britta filter.

I swear, I should be a marketing spin doctor. These are the kinds of guerilla campaigns that I would spearhead. You damned consumers wouldn’t know what hit you.

Holy crap, I was skeptical about these pills my doctor gave me… but I feel excellent. How are you?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. …I’m trying out that vodka filtration this weekend. But not while I’m taking Bextra (bad). I have some arthritis pain in my shoulder, and that Bextra takes care of it easy. You’re lucky you get to take it.

  2. soooSo I wonder how much money someone could make by making a 16\” long glass pipe with a six stage charcoal filtration system with a funnel at the end for easy dispensing into a bottle?

  3. COX-2 inhibitorslook, the feedback from science examining people taking these drugs appears that the entire *class* (meaning *all* COX-2 inhibitors; the act of selectively inhibiting COX-2 but not COX-1) is the problem w/r/t MI (heart attacks). it’s not really something specific to the molecule brand-named vioxx. (so watch out all of you pfizer celebrex users, as well as this bextra.)but, merck fucked up big time trying to PR themselves into heroes for covering up that the FDA didn’t do its job (much to merck’s financial benefit). (watch out anytime government-business partnerships are at play.) this is *really* something that deserved a warning label and a fax to all prescribing doctors that \”hey, this has adverse side-effects that may mean most people should switch off to asprin instead\”, and let the *doctors* help *individuals* decide for themselves. there’s no free lunch; every drug that benefits one thing will tax another in your body. our beloved friend alcohol makes us virtually invulnerable to criticism and women more attractive, but it also dehydrates us (hang-over) and puts in some wear-and-tear on our liver (whose job it is to detoxify shit out of our blood). life is all about give-and-take.besides, fentanyl is way more fun anyway.-z

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