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English The Official US Language

Lamar AlexanderThe Senate voted 63 to 34 to establish English as the national language and require all government operations be conducted in English unless there was specific exemption in the law.

“To make this land of immigrants truly one country, we must have and honor our national language, our common language, and that language is English,” said Lamar Alexander.

I can only imagine the shitstorm in the morning. It’d be nice if this were actually able to be enforced, but it’s a fair start.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. LanguageWith the amount of people of Latin American orgin growing so fast in the U.S. right now it is only a matter of time before 25%+ Americans are speaking Spanish as thier first language. This new law was needed to make sure that the existing American people culture and language is protected. The last thing you need is to end up when way my country Britain is going where all goverment buildings are signposted in 3-4 different languages and you are classed as a racist if you fly the Union Jack outside your house. The liberals are killing this country with all the woolyheaded ideas and political correct nonsense.

  2. fuckemfuck’em. also should pull all those fucking spanish labels off every single product in every gas station you see now.spic fucks need to learn enough english to get by if they’re going to come here and bread like fuck-happy rabbits.maybe we can just reinstate slavery…they could be the negros this time. hell black folks would probably aggree with this anyways. maybe we could even give blacks their reperations this way, yeah! every negro gets one government supplied spic for his or her very own.

  3. Oh godWhy is it the people who are for these sorts of things seem like their max level of education is the 4th grade?I mean, I didnt know spics come here to ‘bread’.*shakes head*Still. I agree with you. Fuck mexicans. Box them up and ship them home, or dump them all in florida to feed the starving gators.

  4. Ohh niceI wasn’t aware Mexicans are classified as \”negros\”, I prefer to use the term ‘minority’, but when you look at the big picture, all in all white American’s (like me) seem to be in small state. And then there’s the boarder patrol doing a shitty underpaid job because the Senate wants cheap labor for no money. What’s bad for business is good for America.

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