Saved By The Smell: The New Ass

Finally, an excuse to use my poorly-photoshopped “Screech flipping the bird” image again. It seems that Dustin Diamond, chess mogul and former landowner in Wisconsin (I think) has been caught with his pants down. And defecating, somewhat, in his very own porno film.

Hold your vomit until later.

Everyone who remembers Diamond as a lovable putz is in for a shock once they see a 40-minute video in which he engages in a kinky three-way with two women, sources tell us.

We can’t get too graphic here, but word is that the action includes some bodily functions and an act known as a “Dirty Sanchez.”

Phoenix-based agent David Hans Schmidt, who has brokered some of Hollywood’s biggest celebrity-skin deals, confirms that he’s acquired the rights to a tape featuring Diamond.

“Just when you think you have seen everything in this business,” he tells us, “mankind has raised the bar another notch. Or lowered it.”

Eh, my childhood has already been given the dirty sanchez by life, it may as well be peed on and buried.

*Update* There’s a video preview. SFW, thank God.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Recently on Stern…You know the worst part? According to his latest appearance on the Howard Stern Show, Screech has a 10 inch cock. Oh the fucking humanity.

  2. huh?well he’s white for starters…but as to why he gets to bang two chicks: a) he’s famous b) what he writes online doesnt sound like it’s coming from an ignorant redneck.

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