

  • Boner #1: New screens of FFXII – I’m really really hopeful that this makes up for all the meh-ness of the last batch of Final Fantasy games. If not… well, par for the course, and I’ll just continue to play FFIV on my DS.
  • Boner #2: Children of Mana DS – Daddy needs a DS optimized RPG. And he needs it now.
  • Boner #3: Jordan 2006 Calendar – Just for those of you who don’t give a rat’s ass about games, here are some British boobies to entertain you. Thankfully, no stereotypical British teeth!
Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. JordanJordan hasn’t had proper boobies for about a decade now. I keep looking for the sticker that says ‘do not inflate above 25 psi.’

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