Roger Ebert Serves A Purpose For Once

And that purpose is to make me laugh. Especially during the last sentence of this tidbit involving his public clash with Vincent Gallo over the Gallo-written/directed Brown Bunny. Take a look:

Chicago Sun-Times film critic Roger Ebert said today (Wednesday) that he can produce tape recordings of director-writer-actor Vincent Gallo making the comments that Gallo now says he never made. In an interview with the New York Post on Monday, Gallo maintained that he never disowned his movie, The Brown Bunny, which received disastrous reviews when it was screened at Cannes last month, and that he had never apologized for making it. “The only thing I am sorry about is putting a curse on Roger Ebert’s colon,” Gallo said. “If a fat pig like Roger Ebert doesn’t like my movie then I’m sorry for him.” Ebert responded that he wasn’t too worried about the curse. “I had a colonoscopy once, and they let me watch it on TV. It was more entertaining than The Brown Bunny.” And paraphrasing a perhaps apocryphal remark by Winston Churchill, Ebert concluded: “It is true that I am fat, but one day I will be thin, and he will still be the director of The Brown Bunny.”

Muhahaha. Score one for the tubby guy. Although you can probably score one for Gallo too. With so much press (bad press, but press nonetheless) surrounding the apparently god-awful flick, there’s no way people won’t go to see it. It’s like a train wreck, except with a scene including an overly-graphic depiction of oral sex. And if that isn’t a good tagline for the one-sheet, nothing is. Gallo, give me a call, we’ll talk royalties.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Heh.Ebert may be a fat pig with delusions of pomposity, but at least he ain’t Harry Knowles. Hell, he ain’t even a quarter of that tubby bastard.

  2. wtfWow, Gallo has got some issues … or he’s just a fuck-o. That’s right, a fuck-o. I just read the first of his writings on the site refered to by void_pelican, and he pisses me off. Where does he get off thinking that he’s better than everyone or anyone for that matter.I don’t even understand why he would think that anyone would care about his bullshit pathetic stories. I had more interesting stories when I was still in high school. First off, doesn’t he know that there is no such thing as a flashback from weed. Especially if you only smoked it twice? LSD on the other hand, now that’s another story … Anyway, he seems to have a homophobic attitude which makes me believe that he might have some gay tendencies himself. Which is fine, I don’t mind gay people, it’s shitty people that I hate. And Vincent Gallo is shitty.God damn I didn’t even know who he was just a half hour ago, and now I’m all worked up over it. Fuck it, maybe I should actually try to get something done at work…

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